1 Oct 2013

Match on Action

Match on action is where you film one angle of an object and then cut to a new angle showing the objects action from its first. Sounds complicated...its not too difficult to get your head round.
In this clip from 2 fast 2 furious, you can see all the cars racing. When the camera cuts, its usually that same car just showing you its action. This is how continuity errors occur.

Watch the clip and see if you can see all the Match on Action cuts.

Some points where match on action occurs: 

  • 0.01- it starts of with a side shot of the man in the car, then cuts to the same shot put from a different angle.
  • 0.34 - There is a full wide shot of the car and them all of a sudden cuts to a close up shot of the car
  • 1.11- again another car shot that cuts to a close up shot of the car.

Now when editing Match on action there is room for so many errors. If you don't cut the shots so that the object looks the same or is in the same place, that when continuity errors occur. (I'll show you some great errors from big films in my next post!) 

For example someone could be walking through a door with the camera behind them, they push the door open, then the camera cuts and the door is closed and they're pushing the door open again! Not a clever thing to do on a million pound film is it?! 

So if you're doing a match on action shot, make sure your clips match up or else!