20 Mar 2014

Evaluation Question 1- In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Media products can develop and challenge their typical conventions through different aspects of the film.
The video below explains the basic ideas of what our film contained to conform with a typical thriller and the aspects included challenges to the typical conventions of a thriller film.

As mentioned in this video our film follows the typical conventions of a thriller opening sequence. Here are examples of real films that support the challenges and similarities made in our thriller opening.

Ident- Idents are at the beginning of ever film and so we have included our production logo at the beginning. Like Paramount, we have used our name to produce an ident that 'reflects' it.

Title- the title used in our thriller opening is simple as it doesn't really need much effect as the shocking title name is enough to twist the audiences minds. Similarly 'Oldboys' title is simplistic with white writing on a black background to ensure it stands out and makes an impact.

Music/sound effects- The music used changes to build tension as we get further into the clip like in the Black Swan opening where as more drama unfolds, the music increases with it to build up the the tension and twists in a thriller.

Here is the Black Swan opening music.

Similar to our style of build up in The Black Widow.

So there is the way in which or film opening follows the conventions and challenges the conventions of a typical thriller. I feel that Reflection Studios have successfully challenged and conformed with conventions of a thriller film in a way that is clear and comparable to blockbuster thrillers of today.

16 Mar 2014

Official Final Cut

So here it is, the final edition of the Black Widow thriller opening. 

15 Mar 2014

Second Rough Cut

After refilming and making changes to the first footage we filmed, here is the new version of The Black Widow. Changes have been made throughout however the storyline is still the same. 
So here it is, The Black Widow rough cut number 2.

Original Final Cut

After all the editing of the footage and soundtrack, here is our final edit of The Black Widow.

However after the feedback given about the location and lighting issues, we have decided to re shoot some of our film, meaning this won't be our actual final cut. 

Things such as: 

  • Lighting issues
  • Locations not being convincing
  • Actor problems 
  • Sound issues
Need to be changed in order to make our film convincing as a Thriller Opening.

13 Mar 2014

Rough Cut Feedback

We recorded the feedback in which they gave us allowing us to see where the changes needed to be made and in some places, audience members explain how we could change it to make it more suited to the film. 

Here is the feedback in which we collected.


Some of the feedback give to us can quickly be changed such as the shortening of some of the clips e.g. the establishing shot at the beginning and the gravel shot when the figure walked in. 

A lot of the feedback means we have to re-film some of the film and we are considering changing location due to the trouble we had with covering all the existing materials that were already in the room before we started filming. 

As you can see the feedback we collected gives us the criticism Reflection Studios need in order to create a film that is entertaining with all the conventions of a thriller as well as address the needs of our chosen target audience. 

Some of the feedback we had was from our target audience, which is what really counts as they know what their age group and gender wants. Here is the feedback:

  • Shot of the stones is too long. We get that it is stones and I can hear you have included a SFX but simply pause then within a second Ryma steps in, would be more effective. 
  • Almost a jump shot to when the hockey stick is introduced. Feet seem to be in a different position and the cut alludes and tracts attention towards the error.
  • o.35- shadow on the wall. Although not a vital importance, this could also show lack of 3 point lighting technique. Obviously going to be some shadow from normal lighting but this is too much. 
  • Phone call SFX- Volume is too loud doesn't sound like a mobile phone. 
  • Cut Alex during phone call is too quick. Change cut. 
  • When Ryma picks up the teddy to be-head it, we lose the top of the teddys head in the frame. We partially miss the point of focus on the teddy. (i.e. to pull its head off), because of the framing. 
  • 1.10 Jump MOA. Alex walking throughout he door, is not smooth. 
  • Voice over doesn't mae sense. it is too much like he is actually talking and his lips are just not moving. You need to add effects to the voice ego try and convince us that it is a voice over. 
  • Looks as if alex is speaking when he is in Ryma's room, but unsure whether it is the voiceover or alex actually speaking aloud. His lips don't move then they do a little bit- IT"S CONFUSING. 
  • Alex picks up the picture of him and Ryma, don't pan to the picture let Alex pick it up then use a POV shot of Alex looking at the picture
  • Some signs that don't fit in with the scene. Only minor but may be a little misleading.
  • Cut on the hockey stick- You need to let the hockey stick get closer to Alex's head. There is obviously some distance and Ryma actually stops on the clip. It needs to look as though Ryma has hit him and then you should cut it.
  • Titles- The titles are a little plain. Due to the SFX that is being used (a sort of lightening effect) you could have the titles flash and flicker to co-inside with this.

Now the feedback has been gathered, next up is the re-editing stage where we will be changing parts of the film according to the feedback we were given by our target audiences as well as any tweaks we as a production company feel need to be made.

11 Mar 2014

The Black Widow-Rough Cut

Now the first lot of editing is complete we can now show you the first cut of The black Widow opening. This doesn't contain the ident as this will be put in when we are certain the film is all correct and to our liking.

So here it is, the first cut of The Black Widow...


Once we had completed the rough cut it was time to see what an audience thought. Our audience consisted of people in the age range in which our film is aimed at so that the feedback they gave us would be helpful and allow us to make it more suitable for our target audience. 

The next post will show you all the feedback we had and specific feedback made by people that are apart of our intended audience or that we agree fully with.

Actors Release Form

To allow us to use the footage we got of the actors, we needed them to sign an 'Actors Release Form' to ensure that all the footage we have of them can be used with there permission or if they are under 18 there parents permission.

Here are our actors release forms giving us the full rights to their acting in our footage.

10 Mar 2014

Construction of Ident

We had the name Reflection Studios, and idea of what ident we could have to represent our production company but now it was time to actually create the ident to put at the beginning of our film before the on screen action commenced.

Our ident needed to represent the idea of reflection where by our name reflected in some way or another whether it be in a mirror or the idea we had in the first place which was a lake. 

We used 'Adobe After Effects' to create the river style reflection we wanted to reflect our production company. Here is where the creative idea of reflecting the name of our production company came from.

 The effects were chosen and the name entered so that when it was played the name was reflected in the river as designed previously when researching about idents. 

Once the ident had been created, some idents do have music over the top of them and so we found a piece of music that sounded relaxing and smooth as if you were sitting by a river or looking down at the reflection and so thought it would be appropriate to place over the top of our ident.
Here is the sound we chose for our ident.

Now this is what the final ident looks like.

We also have a second ident called 'Rocket Films' which again has an ident to reflect the name. This is often what production companies do, they pick their name and design their ident around it. In this case we created an ident in the style of a rocket or firework. 

This too was done in 'Adobe After Effects' and then the sound added later. We thought it would be a good idea to stick to something simple and so had a firework sound as the ident appeared on screen.

And so here is Rocket Films ident.

So these idents are added to the beginning of the film. Now its time to continue editing the footage and sound ready for the final cut of The Black Widow.

Editing The Black Widow

Now its time to edit our footage. We are going to be use Soundtrack Pro and Final Cut Express
Editing in Final Cut

To create our thriller film the footage was edited using Final Cut Express. This allows us to edit the footage we collected by changing the colouring, length, adding titles etc. The image below shows us in the editing stage of the Black Widow. 

Editing Day to Night

We were unsure on how to change the colouring of the shots for our film so that it went from looking like a nice calm place in the day to a creepy, deserted place no one would dare to go to so late at night. Our solution was to search for a tutorial online to see how other people had made their scenes look like night time. The video about will show you what we found and watched in order to create our dark effect.
Once watching the video through once we then played it along side, pausing it as we did each step to ensure the colouring for the scenes was the same as the next. Bellow you will see one of the shots taken from The Black Widow where the shot was filmed in the day time, but through colour change and setting change on the shot, the night time effect was achieved.

This is the process that we have to go through with all of the shots in the film opening however due to natural light and artificial light, the settings may have to different to that of another shot so it does take time to get the colour correct and precise so that all the scene lighting matches up.

Editing in Soundtrack Pro

The sound is edited separately to the film and added later in final cut. This is where all the music and sound effects are added and edited to create the atmosphere and make the film. Here is a screen shot of us editing some of the music and adjusting the volume of the original sound track. 

Once all the shots are in place and the sound has been edited, the rough cut will of The Black Widow will be ready to be presented to our target audience to see what the think of it.