13 Mar 2014

Rough Cut Feedback

We recorded the feedback in which they gave us allowing us to see where the changes needed to be made and in some places, audience members explain how we could change it to make it more suited to the film. 

Here is the feedback in which we collected.


Some of the feedback give to us can quickly be changed such as the shortening of some of the clips e.g. the establishing shot at the beginning and the gravel shot when the figure walked in. 

A lot of the feedback means we have to re-film some of the film and we are considering changing location due to the trouble we had with covering all the existing materials that were already in the room before we started filming. 

As you can see the feedback we collected gives us the criticism Reflection Studios need in order to create a film that is entertaining with all the conventions of a thriller as well as address the needs of our chosen target audience. 

Some of the feedback we had was from our target audience, which is what really counts as they know what their age group and gender wants. Here is the feedback:

  • Shot of the stones is too long. We get that it is stones and I can hear you have included a SFX but simply pause then within a second Ryma steps in, would be more effective. 
  • Almost a jump shot to when the hockey stick is introduced. Feet seem to be in a different position and the cut alludes and tracts attention towards the error.
  • o.35- shadow on the wall. Although not a vital importance, this could also show lack of 3 point lighting technique. Obviously going to be some shadow from normal lighting but this is too much. 
  • Phone call SFX- Volume is too loud doesn't sound like a mobile phone. 
  • Cut Alex during phone call is too quick. Change cut. 
  • When Ryma picks up the teddy to be-head it, we lose the top of the teddys head in the frame. We partially miss the point of focus on the teddy. (i.e. to pull its head off), because of the framing. 
  • 1.10 Jump MOA. Alex walking throughout he door, is not smooth. 
  • Voice over doesn't mae sense. it is too much like he is actually talking and his lips are just not moving. You need to add effects to the voice ego try and convince us that it is a voice over. 
  • Looks as if alex is speaking when he is in Ryma's room, but unsure whether it is the voiceover or alex actually speaking aloud. His lips don't move then they do a little bit- IT"S CONFUSING. 
  • Alex picks up the picture of him and Ryma, don't pan to the picture let Alex pick it up then use a POV shot of Alex looking at the picture
  • Some signs that don't fit in with the scene. Only minor but may be a little misleading.
  • Cut on the hockey stick- You need to let the hockey stick get closer to Alex's head. There is obviously some distance and Ryma actually stops on the clip. It needs to look as though Ryma has hit him and then you should cut it.
  • Titles- The titles are a little plain. Due to the SFX that is being used (a sort of lightening effect) you could have the titles flash and flicker to co-inside with this.

Now the feedback has been gathered, next up is the re-editing stage where we will be changing parts of the film according to the feedback we were given by our target audiences as well as any tweaks we as a production company feel need to be made.