20 Apr 2014

Evaluation Question 3- What kind of media institution might distribute your media product?

To create and publish a film, you need 3 things. A Production Institution, Distribution Institution and Exhibition Institution. Some big blockbuster films may have more than one of these depending on how big and successful a film is going to or made out to be.
So in order for our film to access its target audience, places of distribution and institutions need to be considered. 
Here is a mind map for Reflection Studios as to where our film might be distributed, who works in similar areas to Reflection Studios that might be interested in our film and most importantly why we would distribute our films in these places.
The mind maps states the ways in which our film would be released, why, how it is appropriate and the other existing institutions that work in the same or similar market to Reflection Studios.
If our film was to be fully produced, distributed and exhibited I feel our film would be appropriate for these institutions to partake in these 3 elements of film.

Production- Fox Searchlight Pictures- This institution is part of 20th Century Fox which takes on the low key films that 20th Century Fox don't feel will be so popular however many of them go on to win awards. Our film is an Art house film just like many of the films produced by this institution.

Distribution- Film 4- Film 4 distribute films like Slumdog Millionaire which is an Arthouse film. The Black Widow has a specific audience type even though I feel many more would be interested in the film. Due to its low budget and production cost, having Film 4 distribute it would be less money than if we were to get someone like Warner Bros. or Universal to distribute the film.

Exhibition- Regional Cinemas/ Netflix/ YouTube-  As said in the mind map, our target audience are more likely to visit these places and site to watch films than any other place. Most of the target audience spend their time on the internet meaning places like netfix would be a good place to exhibit our film. Having the films at regional cinemas means the exhibition cost won't be as sky high than if we were to exhibit it across all UK cinemas.

These 3 aspects were decided through research on production companies interested in the product in which Reflection Studios has created: 
Click Here for site details

So all aspects of distribution have been covered when considering the institutions we would have used and whether it be a big Blockbuster that wins a load of awards, or a small film designed to just be sent straight to DVD.