10 Nov 2013

Choosing Genre of Film for Courswork

As individuals, we each went home and examined at least 10 films, focusing on the pros and cons of the suitability for our coursework.
Here's my Genre choice sheet and what I found out when researching the different film genres:

As a class we then created a flip presentation, dividing up the genres and the pros and cons we found about each genre (this will hopefully be posted at a later date) 

As a class we came to the conclusion that the film genre best suited for our coursework would be...


We discussed the pros of creating a thriller film which are:
  • Low cost film
  • doesn't fully rely on the quality of acting
  • Can film it virtually anywhere
  • Costumes and props aren't difficult to film 
  • Not too much violence or inappropriate language/behavior.

There wasn't really any cons to creating other than that maybe there isn't enough time to convey the type of film it is within the two minute opening we have to create. By other than that, we decided that this was the genre that would be the best to do for our two minute movie opening.