3 Nov 2013

Advanced Camera Technique 2- Crane Shot

How is a Crane Shot Produced?

The crane shot allows you to capture shots high, how and move left and right. A crane shot is mostly used for establishing shots but can be used for other shot types too. The equipment used for a crane shot is:

  • A crane 

  • A Monitor

  • Someone to operate the crane

Our Example of a Crane Shot

Here is a short clip of our first go at a crane shot, its a lot more difficult that people think as you have to have steady hands to keep the action smooth and make sure that whatever you are capturing in this shot stays in focus.

As you can see the camera is a little shaky but for a fist go at using the crane it was a good attempt. The camera is always keeping the person walking in shot and it doesn't move too quick so that the viewer feels sick as it is too fast and it isn't going so slow that the person goes out of shot. Our example shows clearly the effect this shot has when going from a low point to a high point which puts the size and mass into perspective. 

Here is an example of a crane shot being used in the film Narnia.

The crane shot at 0:26 is a smooth shot going from low to high. This is a successful crane shot as it achieves its purpose of showing the size and mass of the army in this scene. By going from low to high, it puts into perspective the size of this army and also there as a sort of establishing shot to show the audience the setting which sets the scene for the person viewing this clip.
There are a number of crane shots in this clip including the one at 1:05 which again does the same thing, putting into perspective the size of the army as well as the battlefield.