11 Dec 2013

Thriller Film Pitch

So after our research about target audiences, openings to thrillers etc, we came up with our film idea. Once the idea was planned and we knew what the story line was going to be, it was time to pitch our idea to the dreaded studio executives to see what they thought of it. Here's how it went...

From watching our pitch back, I think our studio came across and confident and knew exactly what they were saying and going to be doing in order to create this film opening. 
Some people found the story line a little complex but once simplified, it was easy for them to grasp the concept of the film. 

When grilled by the executives about details of the film opening, to me as a group we answered them pretty well. None of the question asked were left unanswered and they made sense and gave the executives the answer they needed to understand the process of our film making. As a group when answering the questions, we didn't panic; one of us was bound to know the answer to each question as I feel we had planned the film with everything in mind.

Overall I think our pitch was clear and to the point with good responses to the questions thrown our way.